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The Best 6 Pack Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

1. Plank ➤ Strengthen Core ➤ Gives Better Posture ➤ Improve Balance ➤ Enhance Bone and Joint Health ➤ Increase Muscle Definition 2. Russian Twist  ➤  It strengthens the internal obliques and the external obliques. ➤  helps to improve the balance of the individual. ➤ Strengthen Lower Back Too. 3.Leg Raises  ➤    strengthen Lower Abdominal Muscle. ➤ Burn Calories Fast. ➤   burn 58 to 65 calories for every 10- to 15-minute leg raise workout. ➤Leg  raise exercises improve the flexibility of both abdomen and hips. 4. Flutter Kicks   ➤   They  work  on the mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors and quads. ➤    entire lower body  muscles  are activated and toned. ➤ Sheds Belly Fat. ➤ Strengthen the Legs. 5.Bicycle Crunches  ➤Activates  rectus abdominis And your upper abdominal muscle. ➤  engages the transverse abdominis, which is the deep ab muscle that i...

Best Shoulder Workout for Bigger and Stronger Shoulders

1. Dumbbell Press 

Target Muscle : Anterior Deltoid 
Mechanics : Compound Moment 
Force : Push 

➤ Starting Position : 
➤ Holding a pair of dumbbells, sit up straight on a chair, Preferably one that supports your back.
➤ Hold Dumbbells at shoulder height.

➤ Execution : 
  ➤ Exhale as you press the dumbbells Upward and inward untill they almost touch over your head .
  ➤ Inhale as you reverse the motion and lower the dumbbells to the starting position .

2. Dumbbell Side Laterals 

 ➤ The side lateral raise is an effective shoulder-strengthening movement designed to isolate the lateral head of the deltoid muscle.

  improve shoulder mobility.

Target Muscle : Lateral Deltoid 
➤ Mechanics : Isolation 
➤ Force : Pull

➤ Execution 
    Holding a Dumbbell in Each Hand, Keeping your elbow slightly bent .
    Exhale as you raise the dumbbells out to the sides until your elbows are shoulder height or slightly higher.
    • Inhale as you lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

3. Dumbbell Front Raise

 Target Muscle : Anterior Deltoid 
• Mechanics : Isolation
• Force : Push

➤ Starting position

➤ Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand, with your elbow slightly bent and the dumbbells resting on front of your thighs.

➤Execution :

Exhale as you raise your right arm in front of you until it is at least parallel to floor.
• Inhale as you lower your right arm to the starting position.
• Repeat with your left arm.

4. Arnold Press  

Target muscle Anterior Deltoid 
Mechanics : Compound
Force : Push

 Starting position 

 • Sit on chair, Preferably one with a back support, with a dumbbell in each hand.

➤ Execution :

• Exhale as you press the dumbbells upward and rotate your wrists so that your palms face forward at the top of the movement.

• Inhale as you lower the dumbbells and rotate your palms so that they face you again at the bottom of movement. 

5. Barbell Overhead Press

• Target muscle :  Anterior Deltoid 
• Mechanics : Compound
• Force : Push

 Starting position : 

  Holding a Barbell at chest height with a overhead grip.
 • Your hands should be little wider than shoulder width apart.

➤ Execution :

Exhale as you push the barbell straight upward.
At the top of movement shrug your shoulders to raise the barbell even higher.
Inhale as you reverse the motion and lower the barbell to the starting position in controlled manner.


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