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The Best 6 Pack Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

1. Plank

➤ Strengthen Core
➤ Gives Better Posture
➤ Improve Balance
➤ Enhance Bone and Joint Health
➤ Increase Muscle Definition

2. Russian Twist 

➤ It strengthens the internal obliques and the external obliques.
 helps to improve the balance of the individual.
Strengthen Lower Back Too.

3.Leg Raises 

➤  strengthen Lower Abdominal Muscle.
➤ Burn Calories Fast.
 burn 58 to 65 calories for every 10- to 15-minute leg raise workout.
➤Leg raise exercises improve the flexibility of both abdomen and hips.

4. Flutter Kicks 
 They work on the mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors and quads.
➤  entire lower body muscles are activated and toned.
➤ Sheds Belly Fat.
➤ Strengthen the Legs.

5.Bicycle Crunches 
➤Activates rectus abdominis And your upper abdominal muscle.
➤ engages the transverse abdominis, which is the deep ab muscle that is hard to target. 
 vital in providing support and stability to the spine and lower back.

6. Alternate Toe Touches

➤ Stretching the back and hamstring.
 It works the middle and upper region of your ab muscles.
➤ Builds Thicker Abs

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