
Showing posts from September, 2019

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The Best 6 Pack Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

1. Plank ➤ Strengthen Core ➤ Gives Better Posture ➤ Improve Balance ➤ Enhance Bone and Joint Health ➤ Increase Muscle Definition 2. Russian Twist  ➤  It strengthens the internal obliques and the external obliques. ➤  helps to improve the balance of the individual. ➤ Strengthen Lower Back Too. 3.Leg Raises  ➤    strengthen Lower Abdominal Muscle. ➤ Burn Calories Fast. ➤   burn 58 to 65 calories for every 10- to 15-minute leg raise workout. ➤Leg  raise exercises improve the flexibility of both abdomen and hips. 4. Flutter Kicks   ➤   They  work  on the mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors and quads. ➤    entire lower body  muscles  are activated and toned. ➤ Sheds Belly Fat. ➤ Strengthen the Legs. 5.Bicycle Crunches  ➤Activates  rectus abdominis And your upper abdominal muscle. ➤  engages the transverse abdominis, which is the deep ab muscle that i...

The Best 6 Pack Abs Workout You Can Do Anywhere

1. Plank ➤ Strengthen Core ➤ Gives Better Posture ➤ Improve Balance ➤ Enhance Bone and Joint Health ➤ Increase Muscle Definition 2. Russian Twist  ➤  It strengthens the internal obliques and the external obliques. ➤  helps to improve the balance of the individual. ➤ Strengthen Lower Back Too. 3.Leg Raises  ➤    strengthen Lower Abdominal Muscle. ➤ Burn Calories Fast. ➤   burn 58 to 65 calories for every 10- to 15-minute leg raise workout. ➤Leg  raise exercises improve the flexibility of both abdomen and hips. 4. Flutter Kicks   ➤   They  work  on the mid and lower abs, glutes, hip flexors and quads. ➤    entire lower body  muscles  are activated and toned. ➤ Sheds Belly Fat. ➤ Strengthen the Legs. 5.Bicycle Crunches  ➤Activates  rectus abdominis And your upper abdominal muscle. ➤  engages the transverse abdominis, which is the deep ab muscle that i...

Mr Olympia 2019 Results Men's open Men's Physique Classic Physique & Prize Money

Men's Open 1. Brandon Curry   400,000$ 2. William Bonac    150,000$ 3. Hadi Choopan    100,000$ 4. Dexter Jackson   45,000$ 5. Roelly Winklaar   40,000$ Men's Physique  1. Raymont Edmunds      35,000$ 2. Andre Ferguson           12,000$ 3. Kyron Holden                8000$ 4. Brandon Hendrickson  4000$ 5. Ryan Terry                     2000$ Classic Physique 1. Chris Bumstead    30,000$ 2. Breon Ansley        10,000$ 3. George Peterson   5000$ 4. Keone Pearson      3000$ 5. Chen Kang             2000$

Mr. Olympia 2019 Men's 212 Result & Prize Money

1. Kamal Elgarni   50,000$ 2. Derek Lunsford  20,000$ 3. Shaun Clarida   10,000$ 4. John Jewett    6,000$ 5. Ahmad Ashkanani   4,000$ 6. Sami Al Haddad     7. Eduardo Correa Da Silva 8. Hidetada Yamagishi 9. Aaron Polites 10. Angel Calderon Frias 

Best Shoulder Workout for Bigger and Stronger Shoulders

1. Dumbbell Press  ➤ Target Muscle : Anterior Deltoid   ➤ Mechanics : Compound Moment  ➤ Force : Push  ➤  Starting Position :   ➤  Holding a pair of dumbbells, sit up straight on a chair, Preferably one that supports your back. ➤  Hold Dumbbells at shoulder height. ➤ Execution :    ➤ Exhale as you press the dumbbells Upward and inward untill they almost touch over your head .   ➤ Inhale as you reverse the motion and lower the dumbbells to the starting position . 2. Dumbbell Side Laterals   ➤  The  side lateral  raise is an effective  shoulder -strengthening movement designed to isolate the  lateral  head of the deltoid muscle.   ➤   improve shoulder mobility. ➤ Target Muscle : Lateral Deltoid  ➤ Mechanics : Isolation  ➤ Force : Pull ➤  Execution      • Holding a Dumbbell in Each Hand, Keeping your elbow sligh...

Best Back Workout for Thick and Wide Back

1. Wide Grip Seated Cable Row ➤ Wide Grip Seated Row Focus on Upper Back  and rear deltoid muscles. ➤  The  seated  cable  row  is a pulling exercise,  It also works the forearm  muscles  and the upper arm  muscles , as the biceps and triceps are dynamic stabilizers for this exercise. ➤  Seated  Cable  Rows  emphasize muscles around the back including the  lats , the erector spinae, rear delts, biceps, and forearm flexors. 2. Close Grip Seated Row   ➤  By keeping your arms low throughout a  close row , the focus shifts toward the middle and low back and targets your latissimus dorsi, the major  muscles  of your back.  ➤  While the  close row  requires the use of your shoulder  muscles , the lats are responsible for extending the shoulder joint and  do  most of the  work . 3. Close Grip Pull Down   ➤  The  ...

5 Best Pushups For Upper Body Workout

1. Regular Push ups ➤  This Type Of Push ups is  beneficial for building upper body strength. ➤ Involve    triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. ➤ If Done With Proper Form This Type of Pushups Can Strenghten Abdominal  Muscles. 2. Spider Man Push ups ➤ Spider man Push ups Works on  pectoral muscles, deltoids and  triceps. ➤     It is an excellent Exercise For upper body workout. ➤ It Increases Strength and  engage core muscles and helps to strengthen them. 3. Pike Push ups  ➤  The  pike push up  is a great exercise for building shoulder.  ➤  This exercise works on shoulders, arms, chest, back and core. ➤  helps to tone and strengthen entire upper body. 4. Diamond Push ups ➤ Helps in Building Bigger Triceps.  ➤ Involves Triceps, Chest and Shoulders. ➤   Increases Strength For other Tricep Exercises . 5. Wide Grip Push ups  ➤    inc...